How Long Do Security Cameras Keep Footage? How to Free Up Space: Full Guide 2023

How Long Do Security Cameras Keep Footage How to Free Space Full Guide 2023

Having a security camera system can be an invaluable asset in keeping your home, business, and possessions safe. The technology has become increasingly advanced – allowing users to monitor their premises from anywhere, anytime. 

However, one question that often comes up is: how long do security cameras keep footage? Security cameras have the CCTV camera storage capacity in days. This article will take a look at the various factors that influence how long does the average security camera store footage, as well as provide some tips on extending recording time.

Do Security Cameras Record All The Time?

Do Security Cameras Record All The Time

Some security cameras are set up to record continuously, 24/7, while others are designed to only record when motion or sound is detected. 

Continuous recording cameras are used in high-security areas, like government buildings and banks, where monitoring is needed. They are connected to a recording device, such as a DVR or NVR, to store footage for a set time.

Motion-activated cameras are commonly used in homes and small businesses. They are energy-efficient and can save storage space, as they start recording when they detect movement or sound.

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How Much Storage Do Security Cameras Have?

How Much Storage Do Security Cameras Have

Security cameras connect to a recording device, such as a DVR or NVR, to store footage, and the storage capacity of these devices varies from a few gigabytes to several terabytes, depending on the type of camera and its resolution.

Security camera systems need more storage capacity depending on the number of cameras in the system, the length of time for storing footage, and the video quality. High-resolution cameras with advanced features need more storage space than lower-resolution cameras. For example, a 4K camera requires more storage than a 1080p camera.

Some security cameras have built-in storage, such as SD cards or cloud-based storage, which usually has limited capacity and is suitable for short-term storage or specific purposes.

How Long Do Security Cameras Keep Footage?

How Long Do Security Cameras Keep Footage

The length of time that security cameras keep footage varies depending on the storage capacity of the recording device and the settings of the system. This can range from a few days to several months or even years, depending on the requirements of the user.

The storage capacity of the recording device and the number of cameras in the system can also impact how long footage is kept. A system with multiple high-resolution cameras will require more storage space than a system with a single camera.

In some cases, security cameras may come with built-in storage, such as an SD card or a cloud-based storage system, and the amount of time that footage is kept depends on the capacity of the storage device and the system settings.

How Does Camera Resolution Affect Storage Capacity?

How Does Camera Resolution Affect Storage Capacity

Camera resolution plays a crucial role in determining the storage capacity required for security camera footage. The higher the resolution of the camera, the more storage capacity is needed to store the footage. This is because higher-resolution cameras capture more detailed images, which results in larger file sizes.

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For example, a camera that records in 720p resolution will take up less storage space than a camera that records in 1080p resolution.

Similarly, a camera that records in 4K resolution will require significantly more storage space than a camera that records in 1080p resolution.

In addition to the resolution, the frame rate also affects the storage capacity required. A camera that records at a higher frame rate, such as 60 frames per second, will require more storage space than a camera that records at 30 frames per second.

Other factors that can impact storage capacity include the compression format used to encode the footage and the length of time that footage is stored.

What Happens With Old Security Footage?

What Happens With Old Security Footage

When it comes to security footage, the lifespan of the footage can vary depending on how the video is stored and what type of recording method was used. Here are a few options for video storage:

Local Storage

Many security cameras come equipped with a hard drive or memory card that can store video footage for a set period of time. Depending on the size of the hard drive or memory card, this can range from several days to several months. Once the storage limit is reached, the oldest footage is automatically overwritten to make room for new recordings.

Cloud Storage

Another popular option for storing security footage is cloud storage. This involves uploading the video footage to a remote server, where it is stored indefinitely. The advantage of cloud storage is that the footage can be accessed from anywhere and is not subject to the same risks as local storage, such as damage or theft.

Scheduled Recording

Some security cameras allow you to schedule when you want the camera to record. This is a good option if you want to capture specific times of day or events, such as when employees arrive and leave work.

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Motion Detection Cameras

Cameras with motion detection technology will only start recording when motion is detected. This can help to save storage space and reduce the amount of irrelevant footage that needs to be reviewed.

Video Compression

To save on storage space, many security cameras use video compression to reduce the size of the footage. However, this can result in a loss of quality, so it’s important to find the right balance between storage space and video quality.

Network Video Recorders (NVR)

These recorders store video footage on a hard drive or another storage device and are connected to the internet for remote access. NVRs can also be set up to automatically delete old footage after a certain period of time, which can help to save on storage space.

Digital Video Recorders (DVR)

These CCTV camera recorder store footage on a hard drive or another storage device but are not connected to the internet. This means that the footage can only be accessed locally. Like NVRs, DVRs can be set up to automatically delete old footage after a certain period of time.

MicroSD Card

Some security cameras come equipped with a microSD card slot for storing footage. The lifespan of the footage will depend on the size of the microSD card, but it can generally be stored for several days to several months. Once the card is full, the oldest footage is overwritten to make room for new recordings.

How to Delete Security Camera Footage?

How to Delete Security Camera Footage

When it comes to security camera footage, there are a few different ways to delete the footage. The method you use will depend on how the footage is stored and accessed. Here are a few options:

  • Local Storage: If the footage is stored on a hard drive or memory card that is physically connected to the camera or a recording device, you can delete the footage by accessing the device and deleting the files. Depending on the device, you may be able to select specific files or folders to delete, or you may need to format the entire drive.
  • Cloud Storage: If the footage is stored in the cloud, you can delete the footage by logging into the cloud storage account and selecting the footage you want to delete. Some cloud storage providers may have a recycle bin or similar feature that allows you to recover deleted footage for a limited time.
  • Network Video Recorders (NVR) or Digital Video Recorders (DVR): If the footage is stored on an NVR or DVR, you can delete the footage by accessing the device’s interface and selecting the footage you want to delete. Some NVRs and DVRs may have a recycle bin or similar feature that allows you to recover deleted footage for a limited time.
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Here are a few things to keep in mind when deleting security camera footage:

  • Retention Policies: Make sure to follow any retention policies that are in place. These policies may dictate how long footage should be kept before it can be deleted.
  • Legal Requirements: Depending on your location and industry, there may be legal requirements for how long security footage must be kept. Make sure to comply with any legal requirements.
  • Backups: If the footage is backed up to a separate location, such as an external hard drive or cloud storage, make sure to also delete the backup files.
  • Access Controls: Depending on the system, you may need to have certain permissions or passwords to delete footage. Make sure to follow any access controls that are in place.

Overall, deleting security camera footage is a straightforward process, but it’s important to make sure that you follow any retention policies or legal requirements that are in place and to ensure that backups and access controls are also updated as needed.


FAQs about How Long Do Security Cameras Keep Footage

Where is security camera footage stored?

Security camera footage can be stored on a variety of devices, including digital video recorders (DVRs), network video recorders (NVRs), cloud storage services, and even on the camera itself. The specific storage location will depend on the type of camera system being used.

Do home security cameras delete footage?

It depends on the type of camera and the storage method being used. Some home security cameras have built-in memory or use a memory card, which may have limited storage capacity and overwrite old footage as new footage is recorded. Other cameras may use cloud storage or a DVR/NVR system, which can have more storage capacity and may retain footage for a longer period of time.

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How long do stores keep security footage?

The length of time that stores keep security footage can vary depending on a number of factors, including the size of the store, the type of camera system being used, and local laws and regulations. In general, most stores will keep footage for a minimum of 30 days.

How long do businesses keep security footage?

The length of time that businesses keep security footage can vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of business, the size of the business, and local laws and regulations. In general, most businesses will keep footage for a minimum of 30 days to comply with legal requirements.

How long do street cameras keep footage?

The length of time that street cameras keep footage can vary depending on the location and purpose of the camera. Some street cameras may only retain footage for a few days, while others may retain footage for several months or even years.

Do ATM cameras record all the time?

Yes, most CCTV footage of ATM cameras record continuously, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How long do hospitals keep CCTV footage?

The length of time that hospitals keep CCTV footage can vary depending on the hospital’s policies and local laws and regulations. In general, most hospitals will keep footage for a minimum of 30 days.

How to know if a camera is recording?

The best way to know if a video CC camera is recording is to look for a blinking light or indicator on the camera itself. Some cameras may also make a beeping or clicking sound when they are recording.

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How long do hotels keep security footage?

The length of time that hotels keep security footage can vary depending on the hotel’s policies and local laws and regulations. In general, most hotels will keep footage for a minimum of 30 days and you can see CCTV recordings after that.

Do stores check cameras?

Yes, stores may check their security cameras to monitor for theft, identify suspects, or investigate other incidents. However, the specific policies and procedures for camera monitoring will depend on the store and local laws and regulations.

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In conclusion, security cameras are a great way to ensure safety and peace of mind for homeowners, businesses, and other organizations. Understanding the answers to the questions posed in this article regarding camera recording times, storage capacity, retention duration, and the camera resolution is important in choosing the right system for your needs.

When it comes to security camera systems, there are so many options available that a buyer should do their research and make sure they understand all the features before making the investment.

Finally, thank you for reading this article on how long does CCTV footage last and don’t forget to visit LucidCam to stay updated.

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